Mentoring is powerful if you have a "successful" mentor! Sometimes we think we can do everything by ourselves but the truth is we need people. We need others to help us reach our full potential in our careers, relationships, spiritual growth and other aspects in life.
What we fell to realize is that God created us to be relational beings. When he made Adam, it was not long before he created Eve. She was a perfect, God-created match for him. So is God's flawless match making built for mentors or as I like to call them "divine connections". He knew that Adam would need some one that would help him do the things that he could not do by himself, hence the word "helpmate" or "help meet".
Although God is the greatest mentor of all, he still wants you to connect to some of his other wonderful and awesome people. It helps you not to become prideful, as if you think you know everything. But it holds you accountable to some one that can make sure you don't become complacent in your current position.
As you began to grow as a person and even more so a business or brand, God will place people in your life that will help cultivate the gifts that are already there. Then you will become wiser, 'mature and complete, not lacking anything'. (James 1:4)
I received a message from an awesome mentor by the name of Jonathan Budd. His message was about being mentored, and it was powerful! Anyone who is a entrepreneur, artist or just feels like they are stuck and can't move forward in life, this should show you how the right mentor can help get you to that next level.
"How to End Struggling for Success" by Jonathan Budd
I remember when I wasn't making a single dime. When everything I tried... failed. And usually failed badly.
I remember when I had no clue how to move forward, or what the best action steps for me to take even were.
I remember when I knew NOTHING about marketing. Nothing about advertising. Nothing about running a real business or being a real leader.
I remember all of this like it was yesterday... because the pain, the struggle, the desperation for me in those moments was utterly real.
It was do or die for me, sitting there in my parent's house knowing there was no "2nd choice" for me.
Not for nothing, but at age 22, to be back in your parent's house is not a good feeling. I was so ready to be creating my OWN life I could taste it... yet the knowledge of how to do that in a way that was truly fulfilling was still outside my grasp.
Then Came the Turning Point...
I remember the first time I got to speak with a real mentor on the phone.Just that ONE call gave me clarity, strength, and confidence about the direction I needed to go.
My problem was that I didn't know what direction to go. I didn't have clarity. I didn't have a true game plan. I was aimlessly wandering.
Just that one 42 minute phone call... gave me the confidence & insight I needed for me to move forward POWERFULLY in a brand new direction.
So I did it. I took action on what I learned from that mentor. And that got me my first BOOST in my business career.
Then I hit my next block.
For some reason I couldn't get past the first level of results I had figured out how to produce. Something in my vision, my actions, my thinking... was stopping me.
So... I had ANOTHER turning point.
I chose to go spend time with another incredible mentor. And this time... I got a whole new vision for my life. I got a whole new sense of empowerment about what I could do. I got exactly what I needed being around that mentor.
I came back from that trip... and within 60 days had my first $50,000+ month. I'm not kidding.
It was the most unexpected rapid blow up you can even create in our industry. From "jack squat" to $50k+ a month, like a rocket.
It happened so fast I was still living at home in my parent's house while pulling down most people's annual salaries monthly! :)
Then I Hit my THIRD Block...
I was stuck at 50k a month again. Almost 12 months went by with not that much upward variance. I was pissed. I wanted to be growing.So again... I sought my 3rd mentor. This time... I went and spent even LONGER learning from him. My mind was blown.
I got exactly what I needed. A whole new strategy, a whole new vision, a whole new clarity.
I came home & implemented what I learned into my business immediately. In 30 days I broke $100,000 a month... and have never looked back since.
Why Am I Telling You This?
In case you haven't figured it out by now... there is one DETERMINING factor that precedes massive breakthroughs in your life & income. Almost 100% of the time... it's the MENTORSHIP you are receiving.It's the knowledge you have access to.
You see, what was stopping me is likely what's stopping you from hitting whatever your next level is.
I was lost. I was confused. I didn't know what I didn't even know.
I needed clarity that I couldn't provide for myself without spending YEARS more learning through trial & error.
I needed directions that I had no map for.
And regardless of how hard you work... if you don't have crystal clear clarity, a well developed strategy, access to all the right tools, & a way to get feedback if it's the right plan or not from people who have DONE it before you...
... you can work till your blue in the face & will likely get no where fast.
That's been my experience. And it's why I now seek out ANY & ALL mentorship I need as fast as I need it.
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