Monday, December 5, 2011

Are You A Professional: Time Factor

TIMING is everything! And when we are late, there is a possibility we could miss out on something great.

It is important to be on time to everything. Whether it looks like it or not, being tardy is a sign of bad time management, rebellion or the nonchalant attitude that we just don't care. When we tell people we are professionals, they watch us to see if we perform as such. No one might say anything to you, but they are taking notice and they will talk.

Timing can not only effect us negatively, but also hinders us from walking through open doors. It shows others that we don't care about them either. As we have heard, 'time is money'. Especially in an industry where most things you do now is based on an hourly wage (non corporate).

I knew a great singer that has an awesome gift. She could sing clouds down from heaven. But timeliness for her was non existent. It came to a point that people did not want to work with her simply because of that issue. 

There came along a great opportunity for her to do a music score for a movie. The pay she was to receive would be more than what she made in a month at her regular job (and she was paid well at her day job). 

But because she was 20 minutes late, they decided not to use her and replaced her with a less talented singer (one who was there early and only hired as a back up). After this, her name was mud. No one in that industry wanted to work with her because they thought she didn't care about the opportunity, the project or the schedule.

Now I know that being 20 minutes late may seem drastic to some and less to others. But even if you are 5 minutes late you are wasting time. Don't make excuses for your time-less-ness. Stop saying you should do better.....just DO better. It is your career that is on the line. You want people to know you care about yourself, your line of work and most of all them. This shows a sign of respect and gratitude.

In everything we do, we should try to be early and not just on time. What my husband says all the time is, "To be early is to be on time and to be on time is to be late". People are watching you. Your life is the letter that they read (living epistles). And when you show up late, what does that say about your character and professionalism? Don't let time be your determining factor for failure.

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