Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Required With No Pay - Part 2

Ok. I hope you read part one to this blog, because you will need to to understand this one. I know this topic could be very controversial, but I thought it needed to be said.

I don't want to come of like I'm ranting or anything, but just really want to bring some awareness to this issue that has gone on in the church for so long.

We all want to be treated fairly in every part of our lives. So why not start with this area in your church (if you are a church leader of some sort).

What we don't want to do is have people overwhelmed and frustrated to the point where they don't want to serve in the church at all.

I have felt this way before where it felt like what I did was never enough. You're there faithfully, letting the Lord use you to bless others. And then when you tell them you will be gone a Sunday or two they want specifics like their paying you.

No. This is not exceptable. You can't treat me like a corporate employee in a voluntary position. I won't allow it for myself. But there are others that will.

Don't abuse God's people. Don't continue this attitude that most of us were raised with just because it' s familiar.

All I'm asking is that you be wiser with your position than those before you. Be wiser with God's people than those before you. Don't continue to take advantage their gifts and keep putting other unnecessary things before those who have been faithful.

And please, don't use God as an excuse for you to manipulate people into feeling convicted for taking time off. They are not going to hell.

In saying all this...just make sure you take care of home first (church) before paying others thousands and more to come build up your music ministry.

Just think, maybe if your own people were paid or felt more appreciated they might do better. And no it's not about the money......but the principle!
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