Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do You Know Who You Are?

Opening up isn't as easy as it seems. You always have to worry about people hurting you or seeing your most intimate secrets. You always hear the word transparency, but very few are really transparent. 

You want other to see you for who you really are, but if you do that, you might be judged by others and no one really want that do we? So we try to make sure we give a perfect facade of who we think we want to be and then work harder than a 9 to 5 to keep it up.

But why can't we be all of ourselves without feeling the human need to cover up like Adam and Eve. When did we give shame (shame of our faults, past mistakes, imperfect ticks, etc.) the rule over our lives? Why can't we just be?

All of us have said, "I don't care what people think" but really we do. That even shows when we get dressed. We have to ask someone, "how do I look?". Because in the back of our mind we see others looking at us with judgement in their eyes. Or maybe it's not the others we see looking. Maybe the eyes we see with judgement are our own. 

You see we have become a society that prides ourselves on judgement. We judge every where we go. On TV, we see others with problems and tell them through the screen what they should do to solve them. But never fess up to the truth by dealing with our own issues. Instead talking about other's issues helps us mask our own.

Have we become hypocrites? Noticing that some of the same issues we talk about in others are really what we hate about ourselves. Sometimes it feels like you can't get a break. A break from yourself. "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye". (Matthew 7:5 NIV) In other words, clearly your issues out weigh the one you're judging.

If we really knew who we were and who's we were (God's hopefully), we would not spend time downing, but uplifting. Knowing what you are in Christ (seed of righteousness, joint heirs with Christ, an heir to the Kingdom) gives you a supernatural confidence to love others and help them become what you've become.....Greatness! 

Then opening up isn't so hard. Because you begin to realize that you are no longer that insecure, judgmental person you once were. But now you're royalty, and a help to others.

1 comment:

  1. Christyl,

    I love this post. You have truly stepped on some toes. But the truth is supposed to "make" you free as my childhood pastor would say. Thanks for being so real and thought-provoking.

    Peace and Blessings,
