When you are involved in any group (ie. ministry, work, volunteering), you want to make sure you know what your specific role is. This is a very important step that is often overlooked or ignored. Assumption only creates confusion.
A great foundation for having a successful music ministry is by defining roles. Who does what? Normally when a person is paid, like a minister of music, they are usually in charge of making the major decisions, song selection, teaching, and setting goals, etc. They know what their position requires.
If you went to a rehearsal for the first time, you would normally know who the leader is by their actions and leadership ability to create order for that environment. In the worst cases, you don't know because there is so much confusion, and everyone is trying to do the same job. This is proof that roles have not been defined and the main leadership is missing. This causes problems and makes for an unproductive department.
Before starting any music ministry, it is always best to choose a leader that is accountable, knowledgeable of that area and has actual leadership qualities. Knowledge alone does not make you a leader. People feel confident and secure in leaders that are confident and secure in their abilities to lead and are great at it.
The Hiring Process:
You should never hire from just word of mouth or just because they have been faithful. You want to make sure you choose an effective leader that fits your ministry and can help that department grow and mature. They should be able to make wise decisions, be diligent and goal oriented. Take the initial hiring process seriously and choose wisely. Remember the music ministry is the first impression to your church service.
Once you have chosen the appropriate leader for that department, the next thing to do is to define what their role is. This should be clarified in the interview process, between the pastor (or hiring staff if other than pastor) and the potential minister of music. If this is done in advance, then the applicant will come in knowing their role and responsibilities.

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