Wednesday, November 16, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be Accountable

The definition of accountability is the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable. Another definition is responsible to some one or for some action; able to be explained.

When you hear the word, what crosses your mind? Do you feel that you will have to answer to someone for every little thing you do? Does it mean that you won't be able to just get by, but some one at all times will be watching you and questioning your every move? Is being accountable good for you? And if so how does it help you?

Well hear it is. 

We have all made the mistake of trying to do things on our own with out any help or advice from anyone else. Sometimes it works, but most times it doesn't. It is important that we seek wise counsel before making a move. Because really, we don't know it all. 

In my previous blog Do You Need A Mentor, I talked about the importance of having someone in your life that can help guide you in the direction you want to go. Someone that is wise and is currently where you want to be, or at least further along than you are. But what we sometimes do is try to find a mentor to just 'learn the trade'. However, we don't always take into consideration the accountability part.

With mentoring you have accountability. There is not a great mentorship without it! You can also be accountable to someone that's not your mentor, like a friend, relative or co-worker. But it must be someone that believes in who you are and what you are trying to do. 

I just added consulting to my business. I've always been passionate about helping music ministries, but I really didn't know how to get there. I knew I had the gift and desire, but I did not understand how I could make it a reality and a paying paying career.

Well I have a friend, Kellie Gardner, who is a social media and branding consultant. She agreed to help me reach the goals I desired. Although she gives me the tools I need to succeed and move forward, she also holds me accountable for what I need to get done and in the time frame I set. And I will tell you that being accountable is not always fun, especially when you're being stretched.

What being accountable is (as we learned in the definition above), is that you will have to give an account (answer) for what you have done, are doing or have not done by being responsible for your own actions (fails and successes).

Although Kellie is my consultant, mentor and friend. I also have 2 other people in my life (out side of God of coarse) that hold me accountable for what I do, my best friend and husband. However, they all are a cohesive unit for me. Everyone is on the same confusion.

Accountability is not just about answering to someone about goals and deadlines. It is also about someone pulling your coattails when you're wrong and applauding you when you're right. We ALL need people like that in our day to day lives. 

No I'm not saying to depend on what people say! You should have sound judgement for yourself and God's Spirit to lead you, but like I've said before.....people need people. You can't think that you are so great or smart that no one can tell you anything.

The most powerful people in the world have someone to be accountable to. They don't just wake up one morning and decide to be wealthy and powerful all by them selves. They have people (and mentors) in their lives that can help them make the right decisions and move forward in the right direction. 

The Bible talks about wise counsel. There are many scriptures but one that sticks out to me is, "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel..." Proverbs 1:5 There is nothing wrong someone asking you what you are doing to fulfill your destiny. Or making you think twice about what you did or said that wasn't in your best character. Or pushing you to be mindful of the decisions you make that can definitely alter your future.

ACCOUNTABILITY. Most cringe from it because of the fear that they will always be reprimanded or never be able to do what they want to do. But....this is not it at all. It is a tool God has given mankind that will make us greater and wiser than before. 

Do you want to be or not to be accountable? That is your question? Now what is your answer?

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