It is wonderful to hear the applaud of a crowd after a performance, or the compliment from someone you admire. The gentle pat on the back when you have excelled or that simple gesture that you are magnificent.
All these things are wonderful! But what happens when it all stops. Are you strong and confident enough to encourage yourself? Do you think you have what it takes to be the best? In the end the only opinion that matters, outside of God's, is yours.
We believe that the good days are usually the better days of our lives. However, in reality, the best days are the bad ones. These are the days that teach us how to persevere, grow and mature so that when we get to those good days we are more than grateful and prepared for greatness.
What makes a day good isn't just the emotion it creates to signify that it is good, but it is more about what was gained in that day that will help us in the future. Don't think of it as ruined. Change your perception and ask, What did I learn? How has it helped me? What can I gain from this day to affect my future.
It's like a glass-half-full kind of thing. You can effect your day simply by your thinking. I do, however, understand that some things are out of our control and pretty much devastating. But you can recover from anything if it doesn't kill you. That in it self should encourage you.
Other questions to ask yourself would be...
What are you like on a bad day?
Do you keep your head up and smile?
Are you grumpy and snappy?
Do you just give up every time things aren't going your way?
I guess what I'm asking is.....Are you a SELF Encourager?
What are you like on a bad day?
Do you keep your head up and smile?
Are you grumpy and snappy?
Do you just give up every time things aren't going your way?
I guess what I'm asking is.....Are you a SELF Encourager?
Don't allow anything or anyone to deter you from reaching your full potential. Even if the compliments and applause stop, you continue to do what it is you were created to do. Don't let the 'bad days' keep you from moving forward and using them as your stepping stones.
It is only a matter of time that you will see the manifestations of your blessings. You must remember to change your outlook on what everyone else says is negative. Encourage and motivate yourself every step of the way even on the 'bad days'. You are a winner!
So....continue to be ENCOURAGED.
So....continue to be ENCOURAGED.