We as singers and musicians need to be more business minded. The creative side is great, but that creativity will not go as far as we like if we do not do our due diligence....marketing our talents!
I have been looking for musicians for 2 years now and the pickings of good, dependable musicians are very slim. They are either good and not dependable or dependable and not really good.
I stopped looking for a while because it became very discouraging. Now I have started back and have found some easily fixable mistakes that I noticed most musicians are making when marketing themselves.
Number 1
If you are promoting yourself for hire, you really NEED to have some sample work of your music on your page(s). Us (possible clients) taking your word for it is not going to work! This is what will separate the professionals from the perpetrators. And 9.5 out of ten, you will not book the job.
If you don't have much money you can do this all for pretty much free! Audacity is a recording software that you can download for free with not viruses.
Go to Radio Shack to get an inexpensive mic and/or band hardware to plug your instrument into the computer. It doesn't have to be perfect. You just want to show the gifts you're working with.
Number 2
Make sure you have you samples listed from current to oldest. You don't want potential clients to think that your old work is your new work, especially if you've grown, because you will loose people.
Number 3
Don't make people have to look all over the Internet for you. You should have all your sites listed on one site. Because one of the top rules of social media is that you will loose people after the second click. Let them be able to see and hear everything about you from 1 or 2 clicks. Don't confuse your public.
Number 4
Keep postings current. People want to see that you've grown over the years in your craft and that you are versatile. No body wants to work with a stale musicians that is not willing to learn more to increase the gifts of their trade. If people are paying you for a service, you want to give them the best of you. Wouldn't you want the same from someone you contract??
Number 5
DO NOT MAKE IT HARD FOR PEOPLE TO CONTACT YOU! Keep your contact info current. And don't waste time with fancy sites that none of the buttons work on (like under construction). That's ridiculous and a waste of time!
This is just a few tips that are really important for indie artists and musicians to keep up. It's not that hard. All it takes is for you to care. If you really want to go to the next level or start getting more gigs and clients, it will show through your social media.
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