I know the last few blogs I have written have been about, judging others and not reading a book by it's cover.
But here is one topic that many will either love or hate.
A couple of months ago my Pastor did a sermon on being just like your father. It was emotionally and spiritually captivating! When you hear the term, 'like your father" you either cringe or smile.
Being born and raised in a single family home with just my mother, brother and I, had it's great times and low time. I didn't really know what a dad was supposed to look like because there was not one around. I would go off of my friends' dads or what I've seen on TV. But in some sense I would be getting a warped picture of what a dad is really supposed to be.
You see, being around my friends dads was only part time. So of course, most of the time they were on their best behavior because I was a visitor in their home.
On the other hand, the TV dads that I saw in the black community were the Huxtables. And in any other TV show there was no dad or he was a dead beat (in black film). And in white film, their lives were totally different from mine where I just couldn't relate at all. It was more to me a fantasy of what I wish I could have.
So as my pastor began to preach on the great attributes and characteristics of God our Father. I began to see fatherhood in a whole new light (thanks Pastor Lee). I see that even though there was not a father in my home, there was always a father with me and for me.
Even though my mom would tell me and my brother to ask God for something we wanted (when she new naturally she could not afford it), it still did not dawn on me that He was always available. Or that He would even bother to listen to my request for new school clothes. I only knew what was not physically there.
So growing up, I began to come into an understanding of God and who He was. But still didn't quite get the Father thing like I said I did. I knew that the word and people said He was my father, but being in that same mind state that I had to experience with no father in the home just warped my since of spiritual reality.
It was not until spring 2011, that I realized I could call on Him for anything like a child would do their dad. And I would not be asking like from servant to master, but child to parent.
When I asked God for something, I thought I would have to pray religiously a certain way, and then do some fasting and then be right before I even came to him with a request. It was like He was the Untouchable and I had to kiss the ring! lol
But more so the sermon put into perspective who I am. And I am just like my Father!
I am the righteousness of God! I am a reflection of all His goodness and a product of His favor, mercy and kindness. I am an heir and a child of God! And if He has access to everything (because He is the creator of everything), then I have access too! And not because someone told me, but because I am His Child.
You don't know how freeing that is for me to know (not just hear) but KNOW!
Now I for real treat HIM like my Dad. When I want to vent, I go to Him. When I need something, I go to Him......but as a child. And He knows that I am not perfect so that takes the pressure off. So now I don't feel everything has to be right before I 'make my request known' to Him. This is just freeing!
Once you get to know Who He is (Greatness, Creator, Inventor, Restorer, Father). Then you will see What He is (caring, loving, kind, faithful, loves to provide for you). Then you will begin to see those great characteristics in yourself and know...... you are just like your Father!
Christyl, this is such a great post. I have to share it. I was checking LinkedIn and lo and behold, the title of your post drew me in. I had to click on it and read it right then.
ReplyDeleteNow, at first I thought you were asking if I were like my natural father and of course, my answer would have been....No. I wanted to say it another way, but we will leave it at that.
But, once you explained what you were talking about, I was like, "Yes." The teachings about God as our approachable, loving, supportive, never-changing, dependable father at Destiny Christian Center since January 2009, actually, have truly helped me to understand God in a new light.
My father was in my household until age 8, when my parents divorced. Then, he was the "good time" Dad--picking me up for his Big Brother time for a few hours, whenever he felt like it.
He was the sperm donor of at least 21 children (with only 2 sets of children having the same mother), so family values, principles, morals, and responsibility were not his cup of tea.
Thankfully, I did have my maternal grandfather as a role model of what a loving father really is. Now, that I think about it, it is my grandfather's characteristics that gave me the frame of reference of how good God is, but of course, I know that He cannot even be compared to an earthly father.
I believe that Satan attacks the family for this reason. The family structure with the father as the head, the mother has his "help meet" and the children, who are dependent upon them for guidance, love, support, and instruction-- is what Satan does not want to be duplicated in society.
As long as we have negative views of fathers, we will be skeptical about our heavenly father, or we won't even be able to fully comprehend who He is. That is what Satan is hoping.
But, God has a way of destroying the yokes through His anointing and renewing the mind through His Word. So, sorry Satan, it is not going to work.
Thank you for sharing this post. Responding to it has been quite therapeutic (although, it is as if I wrote a blog post myself).:-) Continue to give us great food for thought and nourishment for our spirits here on your blog.
Love you much,
Thank you so much Kellie for commenting to my blog! This was the easiest one I have ever wrote. I would say that it was therapeutic for me as well. I believe this will touch many (I would hope). Because a lot of us really don't know what it means to be a son or daughter of God Himself even though we say we do.
ReplyDeleteIt has been a struggle for me for years but I didn't realize it until recently. Thank God for this being an eye-opener. It has changed my life!!