Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Required With No Pay - Part 2

Ok. I hope you read part one to this blog, because you will need to to understand this one. I know this topic could be very controversial, but I thought it needed to be said.

I don't want to come of like I'm ranting or anything, but just really want to bring some awareness to this issue that has gone on in the church for so long.

We all want to be treated fairly in every part of our lives. So why not start with this area in your church (if you are a church leader of some sort).

What we don't want to do is have people overwhelmed and frustrated to the point where they don't want to serve in the church at all.

I have felt this way before where it felt like what I did was never enough. You're there faithfully, letting the Lord use you to bless others. And then when you tell them you will be gone a Sunday or two they want specifics like their paying you.

No. This is not exceptable. You can't treat me like a corporate employee in a voluntary position. I won't allow it for myself. But there are others that will.

Don't abuse God's people. Don't continue this attitude that most of us were raised with just because it' s familiar.

All I'm asking is that you be wiser with your position than those before you. Be wiser with God's people than those before you. Don't continue to take advantage their gifts and keep putting other unnecessary things before those who have been faithful.

And please, don't use God as an excuse for you to manipulate people into feeling convicted for taking time off. They are not going to hell.

In saying all this...just make sure you take care of home first (church) before paying others thousands and more to come build up your music ministry.

Just think, maybe if your own people were paid or felt more appreciated they might do better. And no it's not about the money......but the principle!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Required With No Pay

When is enough, enough? When will we get to a point where we stop taking advantage of people with musical abilities in the church?

Ok. this may seem harsh, but really, everyone that has or does sing for a ministry and is/was not paid has felt this at least once in their lives!

Why do most (not all) church leaders feel the need to pay other (non musical) ministers or other guest 'speakers' for events/conferences but don't want to pay, ok let's just say it.....the singers!

A lot of times musicians get paid (not all the time though and not always every musician, sometimes only the minister of music). But for some reason, most churches don't feel that the singers are worth paying. Hmmm, That is amazing!

Are singers not relevant? Do you think because they do not preach (although some do), or play an instrument for the service (although some can) they are not worth paying?

Well last I noticed, they are the first one's on the front line (spiritually speaking). And they (if anointed) get the atmosphere set before the preaching even takes place.

So I still to this day do not understand why in the world are christian, church singers the most non paid people in the church (especially black churches), but still have requirements that they have to follow, just as much as the paid people. Hmmmm.

In today's churches, most have at least 3 to 4 times out of the week that you are required to attend. Be it rehearsal, bible study and then regular service. And don't even speak about special events that you have to be at outside of that (conferences, seminars, revivals etc.). But yet there is no pay.

When is the line drawn between using someone up and paying them for their gifts, talents and spiritual contributions to the church? When is it going to be ok to start taking singers serious enough to actually think they are ministers too....just of music (no title needed).

The thank you's and we appreciate you's does not pay for the gas to get them back and forth from your church and any other event your praise team has to sing at.

Now I do understand that some churches are not financially stable to pay everyone. But don't take advantage and then get upset when they can't be at one of your events because they have a paid one to attend.

Yes I KNOW! Their gift should be as unto the Lord, but shouldn't yours too? Their gift is no less than any other gift in the body of Christ. And 9 times out of 10 I'm sure they have been serving your ministry for years and backing you and your anointing.

This also goes to those who are having conferences, workshops etc. and want someone to sing at your event that does not belong to your church. Don't ask someone to sing if your are not willing to pay them. As business etiquette, ask them up front what they charge and if it's too high, tell them what you can afford. This way you can come to an agreement and every party goes in the deal with an understanding.

That's all for now. Part 2 later....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are You Just Like Your Father?

I know the last few blogs I have written have been about, judging others and not reading a book by it's cover.
But here is one topic that many will either love or hate.

A couple of months ago my Pastor did a sermon on being just like your father. It was emotionally and spiritually captivating! When you hear the term, 'like your father" you either cringe or smile.

Being born and raised in a single family home with just my mother, brother and I, had it's great times and low time. I didn't really know what a dad was supposed to look like because there was not one around. I would go off of my friends' dads or what I've seen on TV. But in some sense I would be getting a warped picture of what a dad is really supposed to be.

You see, being around my friends dads was only part time. So of course, most of the time they were on their best behavior because I was a visitor in their home.

On the other hand, the TV dads that I saw in the black community were the Huxtables. And in any other TV show there was no dad or he was a dead beat (in black film). And in white film, their lives were totally different from mine where I just couldn't relate at all. It was more to me a fantasy of what I wish I could have.

So as my pastor began to preach on the great attributes and characteristics of God our Father. I began to see fatherhood in a whole new light (thanks Pastor Lee). I see that even though there was not a father in my home, there was always a father with me and for me. 

Even though my mom would tell me and my brother to ask God for something we wanted (when she new naturally she could not afford it), it still did not dawn on me that He was always available. Or that He would even bother to listen to my request for new school clothes. I only knew what was not physically there. 

So growing up, I began to come into an understanding of God and who He was. But still didn't quite get the Father thing like I said I did. I knew that the word and people said He was my father, but being in that same mind state that I had to experience with no father in the home just warped my since of spiritual reality.

It was not until spring 2011, that I realized I could call on Him for anything like a child would do their dad. And I would not be asking like from servant to master, but child to parent. 

When I asked God for something, I thought I would have to pray religiously a certain way, and then do some fasting and then be right before I even came to him with a request. It was like He was the Untouchable and I had to kiss the ring! lol

But more so the sermon put into perspective who I am. And I am just like my Father! 
I am the righteousness of God! I am a reflection of all His goodness and a product of His favor, mercy and kindness. I am an heir and a child of God! And if He has access to everything (because He is the creator of everything), then I have access too! And not because someone told me, but because I am  His Child.

You don't know how freeing that is for me to know (not just hear) but KNOW!
Now I for real treat HIM like my Dad. When I want to vent, I go to Him. When I need something, I go to Him......but as a child. And He knows that I am not perfect so that takes the pressure off. So now I don't feel everything has to be right before I 'make my request known' to Him. This is just freeing!

Once you get to know Who He is (Greatness, Creator, Inventor, Restorer, Father). Then you will see What He is (caring, loving, kind, faithful, loves to provide for you). Then you will begin to see those great characteristics in yourself and know...... you are just like your Father!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do You Know Who You Are?

Opening up isn't as easy as it seems. You always have to worry about people hurting you or seeing your most intimate secrets. You always hear the word transparency, but very few are really transparent. 

You want other to see you for who you really are, but if you do that, you might be judged by others and no one really want that do we? So we try to make sure we give a perfect facade of who we think we want to be and then work harder than a 9 to 5 to keep it up.

But why can't we be all of ourselves without feeling the human need to cover up like Adam and Eve. When did we give shame (shame of our faults, past mistakes, imperfect ticks, etc.) the rule over our lives? Why can't we just be?

All of us have said, "I don't care what people think" but really we do. That even shows when we get dressed. We have to ask someone, "how do I look?". Because in the back of our mind we see others looking at us with judgement in their eyes. Or maybe it's not the others we see looking. Maybe the eyes we see with judgement are our own. 

You see we have become a society that prides ourselves on judgement. We judge every where we go. On TV, we see others with problems and tell them through the screen what they should do to solve them. But never fess up to the truth by dealing with our own issues. Instead talking about other's issues helps us mask our own.

Have we become hypocrites? Noticing that some of the same issues we talk about in others are really what we hate about ourselves. Sometimes it feels like you can't get a break. A break from yourself. "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye". (Matthew 7:5 NIV) In other words, clearly your issues out weigh the one you're judging.

If we really knew who we were and who's we were (God's hopefully), we would not spend time downing, but uplifting. Knowing what you are in Christ (seed of righteousness, joint heirs with Christ, an heir to the Kingdom) gives you a supernatural confidence to love others and help them become what you've become.....Greatness! 

Then opening up isn't so hard. Because you begin to realize that you are no longer that insecure, judgmental person you once were. But now you're royalty, and a help to others.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You Don't Know Me

We've all met that person that always looks angry or like they are stuck up, right?  Or the other type that always seems like they have everything together and nothing seems out of place. Well chances are they are not what they seem.

I remember when I was younger I used to always have a scowl on my face. I thought it made me look hard. I would rather run people off right away than have them get close to me and hurt me. I didn't have the best of luck with friends growing up either.

My friendships started off good for a while but then eventually turned sour. We went from friends to a non existent relationship. So, I figured if a person could get through my mean mug (that scared most off), then they must really want to know me.

As I got older, I softened up. I figured it was easier to be nice than seem mean when I really wasn't mean to begin with. Of course like the saying, I attracted more bees with honey. But that didn't stop all the bad, it just kind of changed the game.

Now because I was so nice, people would think they could run over me and talk to me crazy. Then, I had to check'em like a bull dog. Afterwards, I would feel bad for having to do so and they're crying (ok....who looks like the bully now?). But I felt I had to let them know....You don't know me!

Just because a person may seem one way does not mean they are the way you think they are. Never underestimate a seemingly nice person or over-estimate a seemingly mean person. Never judge a book by it's cover, right? Because it might read totally different from the picture on the outside.

When it all comes down to it, you don't really know what's going on under the hood. That mean person could be an insecure little girl that just wanted to be excepted (like I was). Or, the sweet heart that's mean and evil as hell.... with a smile.

Which one are you?? Do you know you?

Listen Up! The Thank You Lord Song