It is amazing what we allow ourselves to be exposed to. Whether it is listening to negative comments from others, watching television shows that impart fear or some unrealistic expectations of what love is; Or just allowing society to sway our beliefs on the definition of what true prosperity is. Despite the example, we are all plugged in to something.
Being a movie fanatic, I can't help but to think about the first Matrix movie. After Neo took the pill, his eyes were opened to a new (or true) reality. Once in that reality, he had to be plugged in in order to maneuver between each alternate world.
This is similar for us in our day to day lives. Everyone has their own reality (or belief) of right and wrong, good and evil, true and false. We can mentally and emotionally allow ourselves to gain other's truths to the point where it clouds our judgement on what's real.
A friend of mine was talking about a friend of theirs to me, and in the conversation they said, "I'm not saying it's true, but that is their truth". In other words, that is how they feel about it so it is true for them.
I remember staring at this person, thinking to myself... Huh?! But believe it or not this statement rings true for a lot of people. Most have allowed life's problems to identify them and sculpt an image of what life is.
Such as: If a person was cheated on, then it is sometimes hard for most to see any relationship as being a trusting, dependable, stable relationship that you don't have to hold up a 24 hour guard, waiting for something bad to happen.
If one had a horrible childhood, it could be hard for them to not attract the same type of people in their lives later on and in some cases not want children as adults.

But here is the catch. When we unplug, we must get plugged in to something else so that we don't move back into our old ways. "If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32 NIV)
Whether it is the bible in addition to inspirational music and books along with positive people, you must plug in. Yourself and those around you depend on it.
Just like you giving your body the good fuel it needs to continue on throughout the day and in years to come, so it is the same for your spirit man. If you want to live a long healthy life with as little complications as possible in the future, then you eat right, exercise and try to get proper sleep right? Then we should do the same thing for our spirit, mind and soul.
Plug in to what God's Word says about you. Plug in to positive self affirmations and proclamations. Plug in to becoming an optimist despite the situation.
You have a right to be happy despite your circumstances. Make the most of this life. Despite what it looks like now, remember it can always get better because you are an Overcomer! But you MUST be plugged in to the right source.