There is nothing like confidence, not cockiness, in self. When you are without a doubt about what you stand for and believe in there is nothing that can stop you.
Some of us figure this out at young ages, while others take years to find themselves. The latter are sometimes the ones that look for characteristics in others that they like and they adapt to their personalities, building some what of a clone in self. But all the while they still have not tapped into the one God created them to be.
When I was young some of that was me. Even though I knew what I believed in, and stuck to that, I didn't really know myself. I too tried to clone the perfect person in me that I thought others would like.
But as I grew up and matured, I came to a hard realization that no matter how perfect you try to be or are, all people are not going to like you regardless! So I figured then, that if your not going to like me, you won't like me for being the real me....not a clone.
It took me years to see who I was. How do I laugh, how do I feel, what type of people do I want to be around, what do I want to wear, what do I look good in, how do I handle stress, etc.. These were some of the things I had to take note of about myself. It was almost like learning to live all over again.
I remember right before my 30th birthday, I did some "house cleaning" in my life. I realized that because I didn't really know who I was, I had people in my life that really weren't for me. They were about what I could do for them, but was never there for me.
So my life played like a movie screen. And everyone that I saw that was not conducive for Christyl was eliminated. It was just that simple. I know that sounds rough, but that is the best thing I could have done for me.
That was the start of me seeing who I was by removing all the smoke screens and seeing clearly. Some of them didn't notice because.....they were all about themselves...hmm. My circle from then up until now has been very small. And I like it that way.
I am very loving to all people, but I know why each person is in my life (and that's with God's leading). I no longer drown out my seasonal relationships because I don't want to let go. Instead I thank God for the time I did have with them and make sure whatever I was supposed to pour into that person or learn, I did.
I thank God for his wisdom and discernment that has grown in me through out the years, to protect me from all the hazards of not knowing who I was. I am happy with who I am in Him and love being me!