Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who Wants to Change? Part 2

I've been working with a client (a music ministry) lately for the last few months. And to put it plainly.....there have been unnecessary challenges.

When I first meet with a client I make sure, in that first initial consultation, that they are ready for change and are open minded to accept new ideas that could get them to the next level. In this particular case the client said he was ready and seemed excited.

I listen to their goals and views on the dream music ministry for them. I assess the rehearsals and services to see what needs to be changed in order to help them reach those goals. Then I have another consultation with them to let them know what I see and what needs to be changed.

Now in the beginning I did say he seemed excited. But some people being told or shown what they are doing wrong effects their ability to want to move forward. They start holding on tighter to what has not been working because it's comfortable and familiar......kind of like their safe place for them.

Even when you come from love in telling them what needs to be changed, they take it as you being critical. They don't want to hear that what they have been doing all these years are not working. But apparently, something inside of them already knows if they have asked for my help.

As a consultant, sometimes it is my job to help them realize the reality of the current situation and be accountable for it. Once that has been accomplished then it makes it easier to move forward.

Working with this client has been like kicking a stone wall with bare feet. I know that seems drastic but it is the absolute truth! They, in the beginning made the (what I like to call) "face lift changes" like wardrobe, pitch and diction. But that is only like putting a band aid on a wound after having heart surgery.

So, I've come to the realization that this person, as the leader, is not ready for change or the next level. They want the image of success without the work. Unfortunately this person does not realize that they have mega ministry dreams with a store front mentality.

In order for them to move ahead they will need to be accountable and ready for God to do a mind change in order to fulfill the vision of their pastor and move forward with the rest of the ministry. But as for's time to move on to the next ready client until they are truly ready for change.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who Wants to Change? Part 1

We all need help no matter who we are or what we do. Whether you own a business, run a church or are a parent, help is always needed. So we reach out to others that have the expertise that we long to obtain in our most needed areas of life.

Eventually we (Party A) find these wonderful God gifted people to come into our lives to help us bring order to the chaos. They begin to work their magic and give us wonderful ideas that will change the way we've viewed things. We get excited and start making the suggested changes and begin to feel that we are on our way to success.

THEN.....there are those (Party B) that say they are ready for change. They bring gifted people in their lives to help get them to the next level. They begin to get great information that these wise people have to offer. They listen but only apply a few minor changes.

But the difference with Party B is they want to be surrounded with people that can bring change but they want them to do it. They don't actually want to be the ones that have to change. However, the bad thing about this is that their minds are not ready for the accountability of what transpires in order for change to take place. 

Change looks good to them but they really don't want it. They love the idea of it. So they surround themselves with the right people, but then every time they are told what is not working effectively for them, they disagree. They hold on to old and are terrified of the new. 

Some look at change as losing control. But what they don't realize is that what is most feared is the unknown of what the change will bring. What changing shows is that you are not afraid of progression, development and evolving. 

In order to be successful in life you must adapt to change. It is imperative you embrace change. We've always heard that change is inevitable and no matter how much we resist it, IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

One of my favorite books is, "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson M.D. It describes the different types of personalities and how they adapt to change. But what we must understand is that even if we start off resistant to it, it is never to late to renew our thinking and adapt to the inevitable.