Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let Go!

Remembering is not holding on unless you are trying to relive the past.

We all have had those embarrassing moments that we remember and laugh about. But then we have those memories that are not so friendly and they become like an en-grown toe nail that continues to give you pain.

There have been situations that have, at the time, felt like life itself would be over but you keep breathing and living and before you knew it you were over it.

Well some people never get over those dark moments. They allow it to haunt them like a never ending horror story and then it becomes a thorn of life, causing unnecessary pain.

Some don't realise there is a problem and continue to live in dysfunction. Or wonder why they have bad relationships or why everything in their life is drama.

God never intended for you to bask in self pity. Everyone has a story and some are worse than others, but we have to learn how to get over it and move forward. Learn from every mistake and grow and mature from every trial.

There are many things that I wish I could forget. But what I have learned is that I can't change the past. It is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it.

However I don't have to be a victim of the past. If I do, I will hurt myself and others in more ways than one. You will begin to see insecurities surface that you didn't know you had. And sprouting from just that alone are countless other things.

So let go! Don't let the past make you a victim of your today. Get help if you need it. Overcome your fears and regrets and begin to live your life in freedom, as God intended.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Peace Be Still!

You have done so much work. You have been diligent in the preparation of getting closer to your destiny. You can smell success lingering in the distance. The feeling of anxiety is growing so great that you can't stand it any longer.

Then you wait. And wait. And wait. Still nothing. What is taking so long, you wonder. My harvest should be here by now. Have I done something wrong? And you wait.

Eventually you begin to see yourself dwindle. You faith is wavering and your hope is now, almost non existent.

Weeks have turned to months and months have turned to years. 'Surely I have taken a wrong path. I see no return on my sowing and hard work'.

The thing you were once passionate about seems as if it has become hard work. 'God what is going on? Why has my situation not changed?'

Statements of faith and assurance have become questions laced with doubt. Doubt then turns to fear. Fear that what you believed will never be.

It has become a nightmare turned reality. Once where there was rest and peace, now lies sleepless nights and the gut bending need to want to speed up time just to get to the breakthroughs of life that you longed for.

Now here you are, years later. Fighting for hope and tugging at God's hand for a glimpse of time. The exact time frame that things will start looking in your favor.

What do you do now? You keep standing! Keep believing. Keep hoping and declaring God's word over your life and know that he does not lie.

Your hard work will not be in vain. The greatness in you will be seen. You are a conqueror and you will make it through this. This too (this season) will pass! And you will begin to see the manifestations of God in your life.

Embrace the process and know that everything will work in your favor, but in his timing. Be anxious for nothing. You can not and will not lose. Fear has no hold over you because someone greater than you knows your path.

The path is the plan. And his plan is to prosper you and not harm you. You can make it. You will make it! And when it comes you will be ready for the promise (inheritance).

You will be mature and complete, not lacking anything. YOU ARE GREAT! You are a winner! And you already have the victory!

So when doubt and fear and anxiety try to creep up on you, you say to that storm "Peace be still".
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Monday, October 10, 2011

You Are Worth the Hype

Have you ever felt like there is something big for you in life, but life itself makes you doubt you will ever become what you know in heart you will be?

Well I think that we all struggle with doubt sometimes especially when it seems like all odds are against us. We are like fish going up stream and against the current, just to get to our destiny.

What we have to believe is that we are meant to be great. All great things in life have a process. And it is in the process that we grow strong enough to carry out the vision God has set inside of us.

No one can tell you how to be you or live your life successfully. The best will come from you tapping in to what God has already placed inside of you, in addition to you making conscience decisions to stay on track.

Doubt will try to peek it's head at the brink of a break through. But the only job you have is to stay focused on who you are, what you were purposed to do, and that nothing is impossible through God.

More people give upon their dreams than those that give in to their destinies. The ones that give in to destiny becoming a part of the small percentages that we see as "successful" or the "rich and famous".

These people are no different than me and you. The only difference is their belief, in who they are and that they WILL become what they were destined to be.

Don't believe the negative things people tell you, especially about you. Feed your mind with possitive thoughts. Know that you too have something on the inside of you that the world is waiting to see.

Work towards your promise and destiny. And never ever forget that you ARE worth the hype!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Healing Souls Through Music

What is one thing that is loved by everyone but also can meet the needs of totally different people? MUSIC.

I remember sitting in my room as a young girl listening to great sounds of soul, rock and rap from the radio's speakers. It was as if ever song could transport me to a different place and mood that the last could not. 

I remember thinking about my little crush at the time when I would hear 'I Wanna Be Your Man' by Roger. Or wanting to put on lace gloves and jewelry every time I heard Madonna's 'Material Girl'. But when I came into my teens I felt as if I could be a hard core, no nonsense chick with a bandanna around my head and black 'Loc" glasses on when I listened to Snoop Dogg's ...... ok, any of his music. :-)

But I was always raised around gospel music too. And the mood that would transpire from that would be soul changing. 

All music has an effect on us whether we like it or not. It can change the very presence of your mood and demeanor. And that is why we have the ability as singers (and more so, praise and worshipers), to set the atmosphere to be conducive to change lives. 

It's not just the song chosen or the singer singing it. It is the very essence of the spirit and conviction that goes behind the song and comes from the artist. That is what connects the song to the audience like no other. 

We all have heard a song so many times that were performed by different singers and in many versions, but the one that hits you deep is the person that has the conviction and the spirit of what they are singing. This could be in secular or christian music. 

So when you sing, what ever is in your spirit will transpire through the music and then to the audience. That's why it is very important to sing in your (spiritually chosen) genre. Then that will allow your message to go over more accurately and powerfully when you minister in song or perform (for those that sing secular). 

I will end with this. Remember music is your interpretation of what you want to communicate about your mind, spirit, self and beliefs, to your audience. And if you are a worship leader this is something to really look at, because you want to make sure your spirit is not confusing the message or tone of the song. 

You have a duty as a worshiper to heal the soul through music (with God working inside of you). But if your heart is secular then be true to self and sing that, and that's fine. But let's not continue to confuse the people when our spirit and desires are different from the message. 

Remember.......we worshipers are healing souls through music.